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Way Cleared for U.S. Senate Vote on Healthcare Bills

December 22, 2009

Also over the weekend, the Democrats in the U.S. Senate were able to end debate on their healthcare reform bills.  The measure passed with the minimum 60 votes needed.

This action clears the way for a vote on the bills later this week.  It is expected that there will be a vote on the bills on Christmas Eve. 

Support for the bills has soured among the American people as polls indicate that as much as 60% of the electorate do not support the bills.

If the bills do pass this week as expected, there will still be more obstacles to overcome.  The House and Senate versions differ on a number of important issues so they will likely be sent to a conference committee where those differences must be ironed out.

We will keep you posted on the progress of the bills.  SBAM continues to oppose the bills in their current form as they do little to reduce the cost of healthcare and place many burdens on small business.

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