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Understanding How Cyber Insurance is Priced and What You Can Do to Get an Accurate Quote

July 5, 2023

Courtesty of SBAM-approved partner, RiskAssure

SBAM offers comprehensive cybersecurity solutions for small businesses, including cyber insurance. Learn more.

Cyber insurance is an indispensable tool for safeguarding businesses of all sizes against the detrimental costs arising from cyber attacks, encompassing data breaches, ransomware incidents, and identity theft. In today’s digital era, where cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and severe, cyber insurance has emerged as an essential component of risk management for businesses — but pricing cyber insurance policies can be a complex process.

What many don’t realize is that the pricing of cyber insurance hinges on several factors, such as company size, industry sector, existing security measures, and the likelihood of a cyber attack. Beyond these primary factors, insurers will delve deeper into additional considerations to accurately assess risks and provide suitable coverage.

Cyber insurance carriers meticulously analyze historical data on cyber attacks to gauge their frequency, severity, and associated costs. Carriers also look at the IT operational acumen and the implementation of cybersecurity best practices. This comprehensive analysis helps in assessing the risk exposure faced by policyholders while significantly influencing the pricing of cyber insurance policies.

It should also be noted that some business leaders have taken a position that rather than dealing with the complexity associated with a robust IT cybersecurity strategy, they’ll just purchase cybersecurity insurance. This is a flawed approach that can lead to costly consequences. Furthermore, an organization may not be able to acquire cyber insurance if they don’t have a solid strategy in play. Bottom line? Cyber insurance is not a replacement for a cybersecurity plan; it needs to be a critical component of the plan.

As businesses begin recognizing the critical importance of mitigating cyber risks, the demand for cyber insurance has surged. However, this increasing demand poses challenges for insurers as they strive to maintain appropriate pricing while fulfilling policyholders’ coverage requirements.

Higher demand may result in higher premiums due to the potential influx of claims

The dynamic nature of cyber threats introduces uncertainty into the insurance market. Insurers must account for the unpredictability of future attacks and their potential financial impact on policyholders. Consequently, accurately pricing cyber insurance policies becomes arduous and often necessitates premium adjustments to accommodate potential losses. In a nutshell, organizations with higher risk profiles might face elevated premiums or reduced coverage limits due to their susceptibility to cyber threats.

Insurers have adapted policy terms and conditions to better mitigate potential losses stemming from cyber incidents. Previously, commercial property and casualty policies offered limited coverage for such events; however, insurers now provide separate, specialized cyber insurance policies with tailored terms and conditions. This shift allows for clearer coverage options while empowering insurers to manage risks effectively.

High-quality data on cyber losses play a pivotal role in enhancing risk assessment and accurately pricing policies

Not only that but measuring the total volume of a company’s risk is imperative when it comes to accurately pricing cyber insurance policies. Without visibility into an organization’s cyber risk, insurers are left guessing and, as a result, will often err on the side of caution by slapping on sky-high rates, which can quickly price out small businesses. Business owners can bring these rates down — or, at the very least, ensure that they’re getting an accurate price — by continually monitoring the total volume and dollar amount of their sensitive data.

Above all, it’s crucial to understand that cyber insurance pricing relies on several factors, including a company’s cybersecurity posture, overall industry risk, and how much their sensitive data is worth. While some of these things, such as cyber hygiene, require meticulous planning and companywide implementation and adoption, others provide a more immediate solution. Of note, business leaders can take quick action by using a tool like RiskAware to see how much they could be fined in the event of a cybersecurity incident and can then share this number with insurance carriers to better understand how much they can expect to pay for a policy.

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