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Six Ways to Optimize Leadership Performance

September 29, 2024

Running a business is a demanding endeavor, often at the expense of our own well-being. This has been a theme among my clients. If not addressed, it has potential to not end well. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can have our business, and our health too.

The Reality of Business Ownership

Running a business requires that we balance the day-to-day needs with long-term investments, support and mentor employees, ensure payroll is met, cater to customers and manage vendor relations. On top of this, we also satisfy board members, adhere to regulations, stay updated on market trends and deal with in- evitable issues as they arise. Each of these responsibilities demands time, energy and focus, contributing to a seemingly never-ending to-do list.

A theme among the leaders I coach is that meeting the demands of the business comes at the expense of their own well- being. Our passion and dedication to our businesses has us deprioritizing and neglecting one or more of the following: sleep, physical activity, healthy meals or the nurturing of healthy relation- ships outside of work.

The Cost of Neglect

Just as a machine needs maintenance to function effectively, so do we as business owners. Without maintenance, a machine will break down. The same is true for us.

Neglecting our own well-being repeatedly and over time does indeed come at a cost. We may get burned out, our relationships might fail and/or our health may decline. We might gain weight, become more forgetful and get headaches. If not addressed, we may soon find ourselves fighting depression, cardiovascular disorders or cancer. And if any of that happens, we will be hard- pressed to perform the way the business needs us to.

The good news is, if you are reading this, you still have an opportunity to stop the cycle. There are things we can do to get our human machine tuned back up and running optimally again. If not for ourselves, we owe it to our business and to our team members, to function at our best.

The Six Influencers of Optimal Performance

To perform at our highest levels, we likely have some work to do. Fortunately for us, Bruce D. Schneider of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), identified six key Influencers that affect our performance, success and overall satisfaction:

  1. Spiritual Influencer: Align your work with your core values and beliefs. Ensure your work connects to a higher purpose. If your tasks lack perceived value, they will likely feel draining. For instance, if you’re producing a report that doesn’t seem to add value, it can be demotivating. Instead, find ways to see the purpose in every task, connecting even mundane work to the larger goals of your business.
  2. Mental Influencer: Have clarity on tasks and avoid distractions. Focus on one task at a time to prevent mental fatigue caused by interruptions. Multitasking can be a significant drain on your mental resources. By avoiding distractions and concentrating on a single task, you can improve both productivity and mental clarity. Consider techniques like time blocking or focused 25-minute work sprints characteristic of the Pomodoro Technique ( to support focus and efficiency.
  3. Emotional Influencer: Address unmet needs and regulate your emotions. Develop self-awareness and seek productive ways to manage needs and emotions. Ignoring these can lead to emotional drains. For example, if you’re feeling irritable due to lack of sleep, acknowledging this and taking steps to improve your sleep can significantly enhance your emotional well-being. Consulting with a coach or therapist can also provide valuable support in managing emotions.
  4. Physical Influencer: Commit to regular exercise, proper nutrition and adequate rest. Neglecting these can lead to chronic conditions that drain your energy. Physical health is directly linked to overall performance. Ensuring you get enough exercise, eat a balanced diet and sleep well can enhance your energy levels and productivity. Consider setting aside specific times each day for physical activity and meal planning to ensure these areas are not neglected.
  5. Social Influencer: Make sure you have the support you need. Communicate openly, build relationships, delegate tasks and consider outsourcing when necessary. Lack of support can lead to stress. For instance, if you’re planning an annual meeting, enlisting help can reduce your stress levels and ensure the event runs smoothly. Building a strong support network, both personally and professionally, can provide valuable resources and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.
  6. Environmental Influencer: Create a work environment conducive to good health. Surround yourself with elements that inspire and foster productivity. Address any distracting factors like poor ergonomics or uncomfortable temperatures. Your work environment can significantly affect your productivity and well-being, so design a workspace that is comfortable, well-organized and free from unnecessary distractions. Consider factors like lighting, temperature and ergonomics to create an optimal work environment.
Interconnection of Influencers

Note that these Influencers are often interrelated. A drain in one Influencer might lead to a drain in another. For instance, poor ergonomics (environmental) can lead to neck strain (physical), which distracts you (mental) and causes frustration (emotional). Conversely, boosting one Influencer may boost another. Additional support (social) may lead to an emotional lift. By optimizing these areas, leaders can enhance their own performance, as well as increase their positive influence on their teams, customers and families.

Adopting a holistic approach to well-being can have a transformative impact on your business and personal life. By paying attention to each Influencer, you can create a balanced, healthy lifestyle that supports both your professional and personal goals. This involves not just making temporary changes but integrating sustainable habits that promote long-term well-being. For example, regularly practicing mindfulness can improve mental clarity and reduce stress, while keeping a healthy diet and regular exercise can boost physical and emotional health.

Practical Steps for Implementation

Implementing these changes may seem daunting, but starting small can lead to significant improvements over time. Here are four practical steps:

  1. Set Priorities: Identify which areas need immediate attention and set realistic goals. If sleep is a major issue for you, focus on creating a bedtime routine that promotes adequate rest.
  2. Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to ask for help. Whether it’s hiring a coach, delegating tasks or seeking professional advice, support can make a significant difference.
  3. Create a Routine: Establishing a daily routine that includes time for exercise, healthy meals and mental breaks can help maintain balance.
  4. Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on what’s working and what’s not. Be willing to adjust your approach as needed to ensure continued improvement.

By addressing and optimizing these areas, business owners can enhance their own performance and that of their teams. This not only leads to personal well-being but also contributes to the overall success and sustainability of the business.


By Angela Morrill, PCC; originally published in SBAM’s September/October 2024 issue of FOCUS magazine

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