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SBAM Hosts Sheriff Mike Bouchard Press Conference

January 9, 2010

While state Democrats were scrambling to determine who would be in and out of this year’s Governors race, Republican candidates were announcing plans to help businesses in Michigan.

On Wednesday, Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard used SBAM as the site for a press conference to announce a plan to assist the homebuilding industry.  The press conference was well attended by television, radio and press media outlets throughout the state.

The highlights of the proposal, which will be introduced by State Senator Alan Sanborn, include:

– Create a 12-month window of opportunity in which home and business owners can complete additions and remodeling projects so that they can be held harmless from property tax increases until the property is sold.

– Cause an economic “ripple effect” by generating a demand throughout the building trades sector. Businesses such as electricians, lumber yards, heating and cooling specialists, painters, plumbers and roofers will see more opportunities for employment.

– Aid home and business owners looking to use more energy efficient building materials and technology

– Help local governments with revenue generated from a spike in building permits and inspection fees

– Allow state government to collect revenue from the sales tax on building materials as well as the income tax from the jobs created

Also on Wednesday Republican candidate Rick Snyder announced a plan to get rid of the MBT and change Michigan’s business tax system to 6 percent corporate tax.

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