Grandfathered health plan FAQs
Question: What can you tell me about “grandfathered” health plans and how that may impact my company’s health insurance plan? Answer: On June 14, the Internal Revenue Service, along with the Departments of Labor and …
Question: What can you tell me about “grandfathered” health plans and how that may impact my company’s health insurance plan? Answer: On June 14, the Internal Revenue Service, along with the Departments of Labor and …
SBAM's website provides news and information to help you succeed as a Michigan small business owner. Please participate in this brief survey to assist us in making our website more valuable in the future. Your …
The Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) is the most trusted business organization to help improve Michigan‘s economy, according to a recent survey of southeast Michigan voters. SBAM tops a list of seven business groups …
SBAM is partnering with Lawrence Technological University to encourage our membership to participate and take the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Needs Assessment Survey sponsored by a U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration grant.The aim of …
Eight Michigan small business leaders were in Washington, D.C., this week to talk to congressional representatives about key issues important to entrepreneurs, including healthcare, the 1099 forms issue, the estate tax and the new small …
Gubernatorial candidates Pete Hoekstra, Rick Snyder, and Tom George waged a spirited but civil debate on state tax reform, budget cuts, prison and health care spending on May 25 in Grand Rapids. The debate was …
Contributed by Mark H. Clevey, MPA, Director of Entrepreneurship & Commercialization, Saginaw Valley State University, CBED The 14 Grand Challenges are: Make solar energy economical; Provide energy from fusion; Develop carbon sequestration methods; Manage the nitrogen …
State Senator Tom George will join five other gubernatorial candidates – Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero, Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard, Attorney General Mike Cox, Congressman Pete Hoekstra and businessman Rick Snyder – at the Small …
By Scott Lyon, health insurance expert for the Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) I recently wrote about new requirements in the health care law regarding 1099-MISC reporting. Today there is news about W-2s. If you …
Small business owners are pleased that the Legislature passed a significant public school employee retirement reform package. It’s a big victory in the ongoing effort to enact real structural budget reforms in the state. Analysis …
House Committee Debates New TaxSBAM Opposes Bill That Would Crack Down on Mis-Classified Independent ContractorsAlma Wheeler Smith Drops out of Governor’s RaceElection 2010 House Committee Debates New TaxThere is a new tax proposal that would allow …
The Small Business Foundation of Michigan’s sixth annual Entrepreneurship Score Card finds that the state is making progress in supporting an entrepreneurial climate that helps nurture job-creating small enterprises.Update: click here to see coverage in …
SBAM President and CEO Rob Fowler was recently interviewed by Chris Holman on the Mid-Michigan Business Beat video report. Rob discusses the importance of economic gardening in growing more Michigan jobs. Chris also talked with SBAM’s …
SBAM small business health care expert Scott Lyon was interviewed on Michigan Entertainment Radio’s MiHealth & Wellness show to discuss the impact of the health care bill on small business owners.Listen to the show by …