Alas, 2024 is here and usually that means resolutions. I am a firm believer in building habits so that resolutions and goal setting can happen throughout the year, not just for the turn of the year. Depending on how your 2023 turned out, it’s probable you have goals for your teams for 2024. Make sure one of those goals is training. Here are three reasons why:
Performance Review Period
You are probably getting ready to review your employees’ performance for 2023. In those outcomes, there should be a goal for professional development for your employee. This is usually the time for learning a new skill, polishing up on skills, or developing new skills.
Somewhere in second quarter, you should be reboarding your employees. Bring them back to orientation for a few hours and go over the mission vision and goals, then inquire about their daily tasks and if they in any way contribute to those goals the organization has set. Training is the focus here as you will reintroduce the mission vision and goals of the organization and even go over the handbook.
Yearly Compliance Training
If you have a Learning Management System, now is a good time to send those new or updated policies and procedures and have your team acknowledge that they read them over again. With a Learning Management System, you can automate these trainings/viewings and automatically record their compliance. Check your reporting in the system. If you do not have a learning management system, distribute the required viewings and acknowledgments in individual team meetings.
Doing these three simple things will get you off to a great start in 2024.
By Anthony Kaylin, courtesy of SBAM-approved partner, ASE.
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