More than 60% of voters support suspending both the state and federal gas tax, according to new Marketing Resource Group (MRG) polling.
The March 18-21 survey of 604 likely Michigan voters found 62% of voters either strong support (47%) or somewhat support (15%) the Legislature passing a gas tax suspension until Sept. 30.
The exact question was, “Given the high cost of gasoline, the Michigan Legislature is considering passing a law that would suspend the collection of Michigan’s 27-cents-per-gallons gas tax for approximately the next six months through Sept. 30. Do you support or oppose suspending the collection of Michigan’s gas tax until Sept. 30?
A 26% plurality either somewhat opposed (9%) or strongly opposed (17%).
The following second question was asked, “To help consumers with the rising cost of gasoline, Governor Whitmer joined with a group of other governors to ask the United States Congress to suspend collecting the 18-cents-per-gallon federal gas tax for the rest of the year. Do you support or oppose suspending the collection of the federal gas tax for the remainder of 2022.
A 68% majority either strongly (49%) or somewhat (19%) supported the idea. Another 7% somewhat opposed the idea and 16% strongly opposed.
The polling comes a day after MRG found 59% would consider a new governor.
Backers of the governor are almost sure to point out that pitting her against “somebody else” in the polls is significantly different than running her name against a real opponent. Nonetheless, the finding this week from MRG that only 27% were hardcore Gov. Gretchen Whitmer voters, prompted a deeper look into the numbers.
MRG Founder Tom Shields sent the cross tabs along and some findings include:
- Detroit is the only market where her hardcore yes votes are higher than 50%. Its 52% in Motown.
- The only other cross tab where she comes close to 50% total support is with African-Americans at 49%.
Looking at the hardcore voters who will definitely not vote for her, the least amount of support is in the Upper Peninsula at 58% and 51% opposition in Northern Lower Michigan. Macomb is at 49%. Mid-Michigan 48%. Non-Detroit Wayne County 46%, the Tri-Cities rejects her bid at 44%. West Michigan is next at 43% and then Oakland is 40% and Detroit hardcore opposition is at only 7%.
Based on education levels, the governor does the best with those carrying either a B.A. or master’s degree. It’s 33-34% for undergraduate citizens and 31% for and 34% against with higher degree holders. It’s 30-48% for high school voters and 21-52% for those with some college.
She scores 37% hardcore support among moderate voters with 28% of them favoring someone else and independents split 13% for her and 37% not.
On the all-important gender cross tab, she does better with women 31-36% and 22-52% with men.
Overall, Whitmer hit 50% approval 41% disapproval in the survey. And it’s an even split on voters liking her personally.