Title Sponsor:

There’s a talent pool of 400,000+ Michiganders ready, willing and able to work. They’re Michiganders living with a disability. Former Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and Michigan Supreme Court Justice Bernstein launched the MI Hidden Talent Workshop in 2016.
The MI Hidden Talent Workshop is a FREE annual statewide training seminar for business leaders and HR professionals, providing strategies and best practices to assist organizations with efforts to create an inclusive workforce. It is designed for businesses of all sizes, targeting owners, senior leadership and human resources officials.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Kellogg Center, East Lansing
Online registration is closed. Please email Laura Biehl if you’re interested in attending.

Keynote Speaker
This year’s keynote speaker is PNC’s Vice President of Human Resources and Accessibility Officer Greg Pollock. Greg has an inspirational personal story and leads PNC’s disability strategy and efforts to enhance inclusion at PNC. Pollock previously led diversity and inclusion efforts for the Dow Chemical Company.
Greg previously served as President of the Board of Directors for the Disability Network of Mid-Michigan and is Vice-President of the NTID Alumni Association Board of Directors. During his time at Dow, Greg co-founded Dow’s Project SEARCH program which provides meaningful employment skills for transitioning students with developmental disabilities. He also represents PNC on Disability:IN’s Global Roundtable committee and co-chairs their ERG/BRG Leadership Committee.
Small business spotlights:
Hear from two small business owners about their experiences with disabilities and hiring.

Justin Caine
Co-owner – Good Fruit Video
President/CEO – Beyond our Barriers

Jenny Brown
CEO – Dutton Farm Market
Breakout sessions:
There will be three breakout sessions to choose from during the workshop. The same breakouts will take place in the morning and afternoon.
The ADA & Reasonable Accommodations: Developing a Process in 2020
The ADA will be celebrating 30 years in 2020! This presentation gives an overview to business owners on their legal responsibilities according to the ADA-Title I for hiring and accommodating employees with disabilities including how businesses can develop a valuable and reasonable accommodation process.
The benefits of having a reasonable accommodation process will be explained, as well as the possible pitfalls of not having a process in place. Examples of different processes will be provided, including information on what is and what is not a reasonable accommodation, how the ADA applies to small businesses and what role the business plays in providing reasonable accommodations. Guidance will be provided to help businesses develop a successful and reasonable accommodation process.
Why Does a Diverse and Inclusive Workforce Matter? And How Would This Benefit My Bottom Line and Retaining Talent?
Representatives from two established companies will present information on why and how they committed to a diverse and inclusive workforce. They will identify the benefits of this action and demonstrate how this benefits their company’s bottom line, as well as talent retention. You will receive strategies to prepare your company for a culture shift of diversity and inclusion, should this make good business sense to you.
Practical and Applicable Federal/State Incentives to Increase Your Talent Pipeline
This presentation will address two “hot topic” areas related to business incentives when tapping into this hidden talent pool. Become familiar with how state/federal programs work together for the benefit of business and growing your talent pipeline:
Apprenticeships are explained and the process required to obtain USDOL approved apprenticeships.
Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), what it is about, how to access it, and why to utilize the incentive for hiring individuals with disabilities; resources provided
Thank You Sponsors