On today’s SBAM Weekly Podcast, Michael Rogers talks with Cyndee Harrison, Principal at Synaptic. She is a VIP member of the Small Business Association of Michigan. Her company connects business leaders and subject matter experts with their audiences through content marketing, public relations, and storytelling. “We often say that we specialize in the under-told, meaning there are so many great business stories out there, just latent, just untapped,” she says. “The people running these businesses and their teams are focusing exactly where they should be, on serving their customers and stakeholders. So we really like working with them to flesh that out and to help shine a light on the gift of their own relevant authority, and help them build trust to grow their business.”
The Small Business Association of Michigan’s weekly podcast presents a dynamic audio interview from a top-notch expert on entrepreneurial success. Hear great tips and advice on how to be a more effective small business owner. Get a new episode every week by subscribing via iTunes.
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