Guidance and Best Practices for Small Business COVID-19 Workplace Safety
October 5, 2020
SBAM will be conducting daily editions of The Small Business Briefing October 5 – October 9 at 3pm on Facebook Live and Zoom.
On Friday, October 2, 2020 the Michigan Supreme Court issued a ruling that limits the governor’s use of executive orders during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This opens up many questions for small businesses about how to operate going forward. While we at SBAM expect there to be additional rules and orders using additional authority provisions, in the meantime we recommend following the best practices laid out by OSHA and the CDC. As a business owner you still have an obligation to provide a workplace that keeps your employees safe from serious hazard, harm and death. It is also in your best interest to provide a safe environment for your customers in order to limit your liability as a business owner. If your business is utilizing the SBAM COVID-19 Response & Preparedness Template, you are already following this guidance.
Please be sure to check with your local public health department for various local rules and regulations.
Updated ‘Mask Required’ Signage (removing reference to the EO)
Many of the resources and guides that SBAM has provided do reference various Executive Orders and rules. Thank you for your patience as we work to update the website and our resource section.