COVID Liability Protections Move To House Floor
Additional legal liability protections for business and health care providers moved out of a House committee Wednesday morning, but not with unanimous support or the backing of the state’s trial […]
Additional legal liability protections for business and health care providers moved out of a House committee Wednesday morning, but not with unanimous support or the backing of the state’s trial […]
As of Wednesday, 2.1 million voters had requested absentee ballots for the Nov. 3 general election, eclipsing a record set during the August primary of 2,065,000 requests for absentee ballots, […]
Pointing to her strategy to confront the COVID crisis, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer told the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce Wednesday that “our economy is operating at 87% of what it was […]
Don Slimmen, owner of the 16-lane Spartan West Bowling Center in Ludington, told a legislative panel Wednesday morning that he will be out of business in 30 days if he’s […]
While payroll jobs in Michigan are already recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic, a “two-track recovery” is being forecasted by Gabriel Ehrlich of the University of Michigan’s Research Seminar in Quantitative […]
A split state Court of Appeals (COA) panel Friday ruled in favor of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s actions taken under the 1945 Emergency Powers Act to combat COVID-19, and further ruled […]
Gyms, movie theaters, bowling alleys and other venues that show they can reopen safely must be given the opportunity to do it, said the leaders of four major business organizations […]
Public schools will receive their state funding 75% based on the 2019-20 school year count and 25% on the 2020-21 year count, under the “Return to Learn” school package that […]
The Republican House Judiciary Committee chair wants to hold a hearing “ASAP” to protect businesses and universities from the inevitable lawsuits tied to allegations that they’re not protecting customers or […]
When it comes to COVID-19 cases in Michigan, the statewide daily numbers haven’t been spiking upwards as of late. But they aren’t consistently moving down, either. It’s been established cases […]
It’s been three months since the first Top 10 listing of 2020 and there’s a lot of changes in the bottom half of this new ranking. Some of it is fundraising numbers. Some […]
Michigan ranks third among states in the degree of “fiscal shock” caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a paper published today by the Council of State Governments (CSG). CSG […]
The Legislature hastily approved measures Wednesday morning designed to plug a $2.2 billion hole in the state’s current year budget with mostly federal money, $350 million from the Rainy Day […]
Business owners shouldn’t assume someone not wearing a mask inside their establishments are medically unable to do so, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said in an update to her mandatory mask executive order […]
Five bills that would’ve provided various forms of tax relief to people and businesses — all of which received bipartisan support in both chambers — were vetoed by Gov. Gretchen […]
A new executive order requires people to wear masks in crowded outdoor spaces and also requires businesses open to the public to refuse entry or service for people who refuse […]
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and legislative leaders agreed June 29 to shift around nearly enough federal money to fill the $2.2 billion hole in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget without funding […]
Michigan reported 543 new COVID-19 cases Thursday, the largest number in more than 30 days, according to numbers released by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Overall, Michigan […]