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Election 2010

February 13, 2010

Bernero is in, Ilitch is out, Bowman is in and Ehlers retires.  It was another busy week on the Democrat side of the gubernatorial equation.  Also, long-time west Michigan Congressman Vern Ehlers announced that he will not be seeking re-election.

The question of who will be competing for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination is beginning to sort itself out.

This week, Lansing Mayor Virg Bernero announced that he would be running for governor.  Denise Ilitch, a Detroit area business executive with ties to the Detroit Tigers and Red Wings, has decided not to run, and former State Treasurer Bob Bowman (during the Blanchard administration) has decided he will run.  Bowman is currently an executive with, which handles Major League Baseball’s internet operations.

This leaves House Speaker Andy Dillon and former Genesee County Treasurer Dan Kildee as the potential candidates that still need to make up their mind.  Bernero and Bowman join State Rep. Alma Wheeler Smith as the announced candidates.

In other news, U.S. Congressman Vern Ehlers has announced that he is will not be running for re-election to the 3rd Congressional District in the Grand Rapids area.  The 76 year-old Ehlers will retire after having served 9 terms in office.

Ehlers decision will open up a Republican primary campaign that is likely to attract a great deal of attention.

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