What the new health care reform law means to your small business: SBAM audio/video webinar March 31
March 26, 2010
Get the facts on what the new health care reform law means to your small business: Free SBAM audio/video Webinar Wed. March 31, 2 p.m.
Puzzled, confused, apprehensive about the new health care reform law? It’s no wonder, because there’s lots of misinformation out there about the impact on small businesses. But SBAM has dug into the details of the new law and we’ve got the facts that will help you prepare for the impact of the new insurance coverage regulations.
Join us for a free interactive audio/video Webinar at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, March 31. Rob Fowler, SBAM’s President and CEO, and Scott Lyon, SBAM’s health insurance expert and Vice President Small Business Services, will be online to tell you what you need to know right now and in the future about the new health insurance law. You’ll have the opportunity to text in your questions during the Webinar and get them answered by our experts.
To register for the March 31 Webinar, enter your email address below. There is no charge to participate. Tell your friends and business colleagues so they can join in, too!
Questions? Email Vice President Communications Michael Rogers at michael.rogers@sbam.org.