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Looking for ideas on how to contain your healthcare costs? Attend the Michigan Purchasers Health Alliance Conference Sept. 23 in Ann Arbor

July 26, 2010

The Michigan Purchasers Health Alliance Conference in Ann Arbor will be held on Sept. 23, 7 : 30 am – 4 pm at Washtenaw Community College Campus – Morris Lawrence Building, Ann Arbor.

This year’s theme is titled “Local Healthcare Reform : Cost Containment Opportunities for Employers” with the Keynote Address : “The Impact of Health Reform on Coverage in Michigan ” Marianne Udow-Phillips, Director Center for Healthcare Research and Transformation. Specifics on healthcare reform issues for employers will be presented by Peter Pratt, CEO Public Sector Consultants. A panel of local healthcare experts will discuss their perspective of Healthcare Reform. Cost containment and monitoring tools will demonstrate opportunities for cost savings.

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